I popped into
Chai's Oriental Food Store,
affectionately known as Mr.
Chai's, on may way home today to scoop up some goods for making veggie curry. This place is super on so many fronts. Sure Mr.
Chai has giant bags of rice, any number of asian and indian spices and condiments, and fish that comes with a stern warning to only cook outside. Most notably is that it doesn't smell, look or feel like any other store in town. It's Mr.
Chai's, period. The prices are really cheap, even on items that you can find in the big grocery stores. Especially the spices - really cheap compared to bigger stores. I scored some coconut milk, chili paste, mint chutney, curry powder and
garam masala and headed out to hook up a big pot of curry for the Lost finale tonight.
Closed Mondays.
I heard they were closing!
Mr.Chai is retired almost 6 months.
They're still open! Under new management.
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