I did end up having things in order so I was able to ride to work on Thursday. Today I rolled on over to the Peanut Depot, aka The Peanut Crib. A stop on Morris ave for freshly roasted cajun peanuts has become a fairly regular stop for me. It's a whole lot easier to make the stop by bike instead of with a car. Except for getting my timbers shivered on the cobblestones of Morris Avenue. I'm not sure how long this place has been here, but definitely a long time. I like all the old men that come in with a dollar bill in their hand to get a "dollar bag." I usually stock up with a 2 pounder to "share" with the office. What that really means is, I sit it out in a public area, then commence to eating the whole thing myself.
7 years ago
There's a guy that comes in to Lucy's that brings us hot nuts from the peanut depot. He even gets to Lucy's by bike!
Take note: We like hot nuts!
heyrhiannon likes hot nuts. now that's a double entendre.
Actually, it's a triple!
The way I see it. It is the rarely ever achieved quadruple entendre. Kudos heyrhiannon for making a rarely achieved feat look effortless.
I was only trying to hint to Brian that he should bring us some hot nuts, I'm glad I could also amuse you.
That too is a quadruple. you're killin' me!
Look, all I wanted was a sack of hot nuts. It's not my fault you've got such a filthy mind, Todd.
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