Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mon, Wed, Fri

Tuesday was a day off from riding 'cause of all the rain. My general rule of thumb has become not to ride if it's raining when I'm ready to leave. If it's not, I'm on two wheels. It was time to filler up, so $60 later I was at Lucy's for my coffee. Looks like tomorrow I'm driving as well because my Argon is empty again (I think I left the valve open a bit), so I'm off to Airgas in the am. They don't open until 8:00. I might try make it there and back in time to still ride to work, we'll see. Anyway, I felt like taking a different route home today. I zig zagged my way over to 43rd and headed down the dirt road next to the railroad tracks. It's definitely not the fast or easy way home, but it's definitely an interesting diversion from the same old streets. There are several sets of tracks, most with paths in between, and I've explored where I end up depending on which track I ride between. This time the road ended where the two sets of tracks I was riding between come together in a V. Cool thing is, it was right next to a whole bunch of abandoned buildings. I stopped and explored briefly, but I could clearly hear someone clunking around inside one of the buildings. Great stuff. Old abandoned delivery trucks, rusted equipment, and junk galore. It definitely looked like someone or some people had made this their semi permanent hangout. I snapped a few photos and then decided to head on. I definitely have it marked for further exploration some day. I had to carry my bike the last 100 feet or so down the tracks, but it looked like one track over I could have ridden all the way through. Maybe next time.

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