Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Trudy Down

When I got home tonight Trudy, my 15 year old dog, was dead in the back yard. She was super duper. She had a full life. Despite her laziness and thorough lack of enthusiasum, she managed to kill the neighborhood rooster, the neighbor's cat, countless squirels, birds and snakes. She chased flamingos at the zoo, dug up our neighbor's tutle eggs, ruined many a rug and was once run over by a truck. She's been picked up by the cops more than once, and one time I had to claim her from a mountain brook home after she killed their pet rabbit. Despite her busy schedule she always found time to lay around and do nothing. Now she's chasing rabbits and disemboweling cats in the big poppy field in the sky. Bye Trudy

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