Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Didn't ride Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. I had to pick people up from the airport and the train station on Thrsday, city stages over the weekend, and I was exhausted on Monday. On Tuesday I had to have a crown done and I didn't feel like riding to the dentist. So today, Wednesday, back to it. If I ride the rest of the week I'll get in three days which is the most I've ever done in a week. Next week I can shoot for more. I'm still searching for the perfect route. It seems like it will be a combination of routes and will end up being longer than any of the commonly driven routes, but not too much longer. Maybe an extra mile all together. This gets me around the treacherous railroad tracks and also avoids the big nasty intersections. No treasure today, or photos.

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