Sunday, June 29, 2008


no riding to work on monday, I have to drop off an argon cylinder at airgas downtown and they don't open until 8:30. The argon may be addressed in another blog someday, until then see the notes in various posts about picking up nuts, bolts and odd pieces of metal. Tomorrow I may ride to the gym early, but then again I might sleep in. ear-regardless Lucy and I were talking today about the price of gas and whether it may actually have a positive end result. We suppose that if the price continues to rise, more people will make changes in their lifestyle. The tendency for people to want to live in urban areas, closer to work, is one. This would mean less cars on the road, less fuel consumed blah blah. Another could be using alternatives to driving, one of which is biking. One side affect of biking is burning calories, so people might be skinnier. This could reverse the trend of the USA being one of the fattest countries in the world, and currently striving for first place. That's it. $7 gas will lead to a skinny population, crystal clear enviornment, and more tax money for school 'cause there will be less wear and tear on the roads. Better standard of living for everyone because we won't need to pay for insurance on cars ever again. Drive throughs will provide no benefit, as people choose to walk in over drive through. Starbucks will go belly up. slam dunk, closed book, easy peasy. that's the way it will be. unless we have to exchange our tanks of argon mix.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'mon man. If I drove my car every time I had to drop off an Argon cannister then I'd be just as bad as all those other gas-burning, money-chasing zombies.