It's hard to believe it's August. After only riding three days last week, I feel I really need to make it a full week on the bike. Mostly due to the fact that my car is sitting outside on empty, so next time I drive it means $67.14 less in my pocket. My tire is fixed from last week, I've got my week of clothes and food stuffs stashed at work. I have my new pump and a spare tube on board, so I'm feelin' pretty on top of things. It was a pretty uneventful day back and forth accept the fact that I got stopped by an unusually long train on my way home. There is always the option of turning back and taking Crestwood Blvd when I get stuck like that. However, I've come to enjoy the forced downtime of watching the train roll past. All the graffiti, and all the little instructions on the cars like "oil doors here", "no pressure release device", "close valves completely." It's also interesting noting how old some of the cars are, how some are newer, company names, chemical names, srap cars, tanker cars, cattle cars, boxcars. I've taken notice that all the boxcar doors always have little metal zip tie locks on them. I keep hoping that one will pass that's open with a bunch of hobos in it. You know, doing hobo shit. Playing banjos, eating pork and beans, sharpening their knives all with a little campfire in the middle.