Friday, July 18, 2008


I left my bike at work on Thursday night. We were going out for drinks and dinner and I could cram the bike into Lucy's car without taking the back wheel off. I decided it would be too much of a pain in the ass, so I just locked it up and figured I would just ride in with Lucy in the am. Much safer than going out for drinks and dinner and then trying to navigate home in the dark. So before light I rode in with Lucy, picked up the bike and headed to Lucy's for coffee. I wasn't under any time constraints so I meandered around and took my time. It's hard to believe it's July, it's just not very hot out yet. With my thermos full, I turned back to work for a super early day with hopes of getting done with my work as early as I was starting. This dream was later crushed, but I did get some pictures of the sun rising up.

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