Friday, July 11, 2008

Brian Dean Woodwork

I finally saw Brian's van outside his shop on 41st street today, so I popped in for a howdy do. Good to see Brian. He was working on a super looking entertainment center. It is narrower then your normal entertainment center to accommodate a flat screen TV. Genius I say. So we get to chatting it about going fishing or canoeing and tubing and decide that this weekend would be just a great weekend to hit the river. He has to get Ariel and I have to head home, so we leave it as "you call me or I'll call you or something" and I get back on my bike. Ya see this is the thing that's great about riding your bike. Chances are I never would have stopped if I was driving. By the time I would have noticed his van, I probably would have been half way down the street. and now we have tubin' plans. I should have taken a picture of his shop for today. I'll get one later and post it up (done).

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