Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sloss Sunrise

I never posted this back when I took this, so in honor of my blog not being totally dead, here it is. Just like the rainbow below, this is from a few weeks ago, and I just came across it when dumping stuff off my camera. It's totally dark on my rides in these days. I have my one blinky light, but I need to get a headlight for the front of my bike. I wear the blinky on my bag. I may get a second blinky for my seatpost as well. I had a big ole hoopty blast past me yesterday in the dark on first avenue and it made me really want to be more visable. Hasta proxima.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I forgot about the big rainbow until I came accross the photo on my camera. It was a couple of weeks ago. I rode home in the rain and saw this rainbow. I was really wanting to get a picture, but was nervous about taking my camera out in the rain. Finally the rain eased up just as I crossed the railroad tracks, where I had a nice vantage for taking the shot.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Shoes on 7th Avenue.
Posts seem to be coming far and few between these days. I find myself posting in clumps. As of Monday, my bike is out of commission. I've been having some derailleur problems which are annoying but not too disruptive. More recently I've realized that I really need to get my bike a full tune up - wheels trued, breaks adjusted, derailleur problem fixed, etc.. Then Monday I had a flat downtown. After I fixed it and got to work, I saw a little bulge on the sidewall of my tire, and realized that my tire is shot. These tires have been great, but they seem to be a bit small for the rims, and they are a real pain in the ass to get on in off, so I decided it's time to move on to something else. It started to sound like I was going to have to spend a fair amount of money to get my bike up and running again. Which led me to the idea that maybe it's time for a new bike. Of course, this has led to the world of options that are available. I don't need or want another mountain bike. I don't do any real long distance or racing rides. I do want something that has a little get up and go. So, I'm thinking about getting my first fixed gear. With brakes. I've thought about trying to build my own, but now I'm at the point where I need a bike, so I'm looking at just plunking down on a cheap entry level bike. Or who knows, I'm pretty indecisive.