Thursday, September 18, 2008

Donkey Diet update #2 Carne Asada!!!!!

Week two, I dropped another 2, so did my competitor, so it's a tie. I'm at 208. Nobody owes nobody nothing this week. However we did adopt the skins game rule. Double down for next week. Loser owes the winner a poem AND a small drawing. Although, I still don't have a poem from my first win. I suppose if I really put my mind to this thing I could drop some pounds pretty quick. My dinners last week went like this: Thursday: Mexican food and margaritas Friday: chez fon fon grilled ham and cheese and fries Saturday: greek festival lamb kabobs and beers Sunday: mexican food and margaritas monday: veggie spaghetti with my honey bunny Tuesday: Music snop trivia night > tacos and beer Wednesday: Todd's birthday > Mexican food and margaritas I feel a little weird after going through that exercise. I obviously have a taco problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, you have your poem! I even wrote it out all pretty for you!